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Supplies include everything from special tooling to parts and materials. Most supplies are kept either in the Tool Room, or generally co-located with the equipment that they service. However, they can also be found at various locations throughout the Maker Hub such as the low-fidelity prototyping station.
This page lists the low-fidelity prototyping supplies as well as The Vault inventory supplies.
Low Fidelity Prototyping Supplies
Supply Name | Image | Description | Category |
Hot Glue Gun with Glue Sticks | Quick and easy glueing for paper, cardboard, light wood, pipe cleaners, cotton, etc. | Adhesion | |
Glue Sticks | Chapstick/Deodorant-style glue sticks. Please do not eat or use them on your body. | Adhesion | |
Cotton Swabs | Handy cleaning devices. | Cleaning | |
Alcohol Pads | Antiseptic pad with 70% v/v isopropyl alcohol for cleaning surfaces. | Cleaning | |
Paper Clips | Small metal paper clips. | Clips | |
Binder Clips | Large binder clips. | Clips | |
Brads | Small metal pivot-points meant for holding pieces of paper or cardboard together. | Clips | |
Googly Eyes | No project is truly complete without them. | Crafts | |
Pipe Cleaners | Bendy wire pipe cleaners. They come in multiple colors. | Crafts | |
Tongue Depressors | Also known as popsicle sticks. They come in large and small sizes. | Crafts | |
Cotton Balls | Absorbent and squishy. | Crafts | |
Rubber Bands | Elastic bands... can't really stretch this description any further. | Crafts | |
Scotch Tape | M | ||
Sand Paper | We have the following grit numbers: 120, 220, 400, 600, 800, 1500 | M | |
Small Measuring Tape | M | ||
Balsa Wood | M | ||
Fishing Line | M | ||
Brushes | Brushes with metal construction | M | |
Stirring/Yarn | M | ||
X-Acto knife | M | ||
Batteries | M | ||
Scissors | Don't run with scissors | M | |
Foam Brushes | M | ||
Toothpicks | M | ||
Post-its | Not for pranking Justin's office | M | |
Foam Sheet | This is 1 in thick | M | |
Scraps | carboard and foam board. | Miscellaneous | |
Kraft Paper | Paper | ||
Measuring Cups | Plastic cups measuring up to 30 mL. | Plastic | |
Coffee Straws | Thin stirring straws. | Plastic | |
Straws | Plastic, clear, turtle-killing straws complete with a wrapper. | Plastic | |
Chalk | Blackboard-style chalk (as opposed to sidewalk chalk). Various colors available. | Writing |
Vault Supplies
Inventory Name | Image | Description | Category |
Potentiometers | Values from 500 Ohm through 500 kOhm. | Electrical Components | |
Crystal Oscillators | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Heat Sinks | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Capacitors (Electrolytic) | Polarized canister-style capacitor with two leads. Values from pF through mF. | Electrical Components | |
IGBTs | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Photo Transistors | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Power Amplifiers | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
9 Digit Keypads | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Diodes | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Ribbon Cables | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Arduino Microcontrollers | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Capacitors (Ceramic) | Tear-drop capacitor with two leads. Values from pF through mF. | Electrical Components | |
Op Amps | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Switches | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
MOSFETs | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Sockets | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Zener Diodes | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Pin Connectors | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Servos/Motors | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Capacitors (Mica) | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Rectifiers | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Push Buttons | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
JFETs | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Relays | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
LEDs | Various colors available. Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Battery Holders | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Plugs/Jacks | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Resistors (1/4 Watt) | Values from 1 Ohm through 10 MOhm. | Electrical Components | |
Photoresistors | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Circuit Breakers | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
NPN BJTs | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Terminals | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Voltage Regulators | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Fuses | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Headers | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Resistors (Power) | Various high-wattage power resistors. Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
ICs | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Brackets | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
PNP BJTs | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Inductors | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Comparators/Timers | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
7 Segment Displays | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Hex Standoffs | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Electrical Components | |
Air Inlets and Connectors | Brass nozzles for ENGR 151 air engines. | Mechanical Hardware | |
Set Screws | Check inventory to see what is in stock. | Mechanical Hardware |