#Find a piece of scrap material that is within the capacity of the machine. Don't waste large pieces of material. Choose a smaller piece preferably an inch or two wide.
#Draw a cut line on the material using a straight edge and a marker.
#Make sure the material hold down is up enough to slide your material under.
#Make sure the cutting side of the blade aligns with the mark on your material.
#Pull down on both hold down levers and lock the material in place.
#Depending on the width of cut and how much you weigh, you may need to place one or two feet on the stomp bar.
#Keep your hands away from the blade. You can hold onto the top cam lock bar to steady yourself if needed.
#You may need to jump or press down on the foot bar to get the material to shear.
#After the material is cut you will need to remove yourself from the stomp bar.
#Release the clamping levers and remove the material.