Students may sponsor their spouse and family members into the Maker Hub. This means that student spouses and family members may accompany the current GFU student within the facility, but only the student may operate any equipment for which he or she has been certified. All equipment is designated with an icon to indicate that it requires training from a staff member before use. While family members may use tools along with their student sponsor, all minors (under 18) are prohibited from using any Maker Hub equipment or tools until they have signed a liability release form. The student sponsor assumes full responsibility for ensuring that his or her guests adhere to the proper safety protocols and professionalism required in the Maker Hub. Currently, there is no membership system available for student spouses or family members.
Students may sponsor their spouse and family members into the Maker Hub. This means that student spouses and family members may accompany the current GFU student within the facility. While family members may use tools along with their student sponsor, all minors (under 18) are prohibited from using any Maker Hub equipment or tools until they have signed a liability release form. The student sponsor assumes full responsibility for ensuring that his or her guests adhere to the proper safety protocols and professionalism required in the Maker Hub. Student spouses may train on and use the Maker Hub's equipment. The first step in connecting the student's spouse with the Maker Hub is for the student to initiate a background check with HR. HR will pass their information to the IT department so they can create a GFU ID and the proper computer accounts. Student spouses are expected to undergo the proper wiki/quiz/training/demonstration process of being certified on a piece of equipment just like students and employees. Student spouses may also serve as a Maker Hub volunteer (see the Volunteers section).