Property:Has description

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Has type: Text

Is property: True

Has description: This is just a text description of the resource

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Declare this property to be one of our "special" properties for this Wiki  +
This is a property to declare a piece of equipment as sheet metal equipment. This allows us to create a subpage under Metal for sheet metal specific equipment  +
Identify this resource as software  +
Mark this page as soldering iron equipment  +
Mark this resource as a supply  +
Marks a tool.  +
Declare a domain in which this resource is used  +
Used turn, face, or part round stock  +
Leatherworking Station  +
Logic Analyzer Software  +
Programming and numeric computing platform  +
IDE for Atmel parts  +
HDL Simulation Software  +
Mood Lamp  +
Mathcad Software  +
Software for the Prusa mkIV 3D Printers  +
The Python IDE for Professional Developers  +
Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.  +
quena  +