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[[File:soldering_icon.png|100px|left|top|Soldering Iron Icon]]
[[File:soldering.jpg|thumb|upright=1.5|Soldering a component]]
|Is equipment=True
'''Soldering''', is a process in which two or more items (usually metal) are joined together by melting and putting a filler metal (solder) into the joint, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal. Soldering differs from welding in that soldering does not involve melting the work pieces. In brazing, the filler metal melts at a higher temperature, but the work piece metal does not melt. In the past, nearly all solders contained lead, but environmental and health concerns have increasingly dictated use of lead-free solder for electronics and plumbing purposes.
|Is located in facility=PCB Lab
|Is located in facility=The Hub
|Is used in domain=Electronics
|Has name={{PAGENAME}}
|Has make=Weller
|Has model=WES51
|Has serial number=
|Has life expectancy=
|Has year of manufacture or purchase=
|Has replacement cost=
|Has function=Soldering Iron
|Has icon=File:soldering_icon.png
|Has icondesc=Soldering Iron
|Has image=File:soldering.jpg
|Has imagedesc=Soldering a component
|Has description=Soldering is a process in which two or more items (usually metal) are joined together by melting and putting a filler metal (solder) into the joint
|Has certification=https://georgefox.instructure.com/courses/1242
|Has group=Circuit Board Design
|Has ace=Evan Hatch;ehatch21@georgefox.edu
[[{{#show: {{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Has icon|link=none}}|140px|left|top|{{#show: {{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Has icondesc}}]]
[[{{#show: {{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Has image|link=none}}|thumb|upright=1.5|{{#show: {{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Has imagedesc}}]]
Make: {{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Has make}}
== Maker Hub Soldering Irons ==
Model: {{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Has model}}
* [[Soldering Iron - Weller WES51 | Weller WES51]]
* [[Metcal MX-5211]]
The Weller irons use a resistive tip to generate heat. By varying the power through the tip, the temperature can be controlled. The Metcal uses an inductive tip that is tuned to be at one temperature.  
Ace: {{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Has ace.Has name}} ({{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Has ace.Has email address}}).
Important Note: One should never use the abrasive tip tinner on the Metcal tips. This can damage them.  
== Solders ==
Location: {{#show: {{PAGENAME}} |?Is located in facility}}
There are different types of solder available in the [[Maker Hub]]. The standard hand solder that is used is a 60/40 blend. When using solder paste, we typically use a 63/37 variety.
== Documentation ==
* [[Media:WellerBetterSolderingBooklet.pdf|Better Soldering Booklet]]
* pdf comic book of operations
== Training ==
Soldering is not difficult, but understanding some basic concepts will go a long way toward a successful experience. As part of your training, you will need to read some documentation and watch some videos.
=== Documentation ===
* [[Media:WellerBetterSolderingBooklet.pdf|Better Soldering Booklet]]
=== Videos ===
After scouring the web for examples of soldering training, we really liked the lessons captured in the [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837 PACE] series, despite the fact that they were filmed in the 80's. These videos are well produced (for something possibly older than your parents) and have a lot of good information. The quizzable information is in the very first, fifth, and sixth videos, but the other videos have great examples of good and bad soldering joints.
Another more modern video from [https://www.beautyandthebolt Beauty and the Bolt] is also insightful. TThis video is a little more modern, and a good resource, but not as technically interesting. It talks a bit about desoldering as well as soldering wires together and how to use heat shrink and electrical tape.
A more modern series is available from [https://www.howcast.com/guides/930-how-to-solder Howcast]. It wouldn't hurt at all to watch this series, but we will just focus on a couple for the quiz.  
'''Soldering''' is a process in which two or more items (usually metal) are joined together by melting and putting a filler metal (solder) into the joint, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal. Soldering differs from welding in that soldering does not involve melting the work pieces. In brazing, the filler metal melts at a higher temperature, but the work piece metal does not melt. In the past, nearly all solders contained lead, but environmental and health concerns have increasingly dictated use of lead-free solder for electronics and plumbing purposes.
Finally, there is an official training video from the [[Maker Hub]] that is tailored to our specific space and equipment. This video will give you the information you need to perform the live solder demonstration required for your soldering certification.
Here is an example of this piece of equipment being used.
==== PACE Basic Soldering Series ====
Insert video media here.
This nostalgic set of [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837 videos] from PACE are quite old, but surprisingly still quite relevant. The style makes you think that you will be getting ready to watch an old Disney cartoon - you aren't. Don't get disappointed.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIT4ra6Mo0s&index=1&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=1s Basic Soldering Lesson 1] - "Solder & Flux" (20:44)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrhg5A1a1mU&index=2&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 2] - "Soldering To PCB Terminals" (6:50)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GLeCt_u3U8&index=3&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 3] - "Cup Terminals" (4:19)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvTiql-ED4A&index=4&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 4] - "Bifurcated Terminals" (2:45)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN3V8hMiUb4&index=5&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 5] - "Hook and Pierced Terminals" (1:19)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY5M-lGxvzo&index=6&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 6] - "Component Soldering" (4:33)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgcPxdnjwt4&index=7&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 7] - "Integrated Circuits: The DIP-Type Package" (2:36)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTv3gK9tAKA&index=8&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 8] - "Integrated Circuits" (1:16)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq5ngauITsw&index=9&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 9] - "Integrated Circuits: The Flatpack & Other Planar-mounted Components" (6:20)
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 1 =====
This is by far the longest of the videos at (20:44), but also packed with the most pertinent information. It provides great background on solder, flux, wetting, and then mechanics of the iron and the joint. We do not have the student handbook that is mentioned. We suspect that you can manage without that.
Here are some key ideas that you should watch for:
* What is solder?
** What temperatures do the different solders melt at?
* What is flux?
* What is wetting?
* What are the different aspects of a soldering iron?
File:SolderingTips.jpg|Soldering Tip
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 2-5 =====
[[Media:WES51_OI_PL.pdf|Soldering Iron User Manual]]
These videos are worth watching, but they are not essential for this training.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrhg5A1a1mU&index=2&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 2] - "Soldering To PCB Terminals" (6:50)
The Soldering Iron is an amazing tool that allows us to construct circuits with sturdy connections between components. The detailed steps to do this can be found in videos on the Description section.  
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GLeCt_u3U8&index=3&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 3] - "Cup Terminals" (4:19)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvTiql-ED4A&index=4&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 4] - "Bifurcated Terminals" (2:45)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN3V8hMiUb4&index=5&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 5] - "Hook and Pierced Terminals" (1:19) 
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 3 =====
This video shows a good example of melting solder before inserting wire.  
Before using a Soldering Station, students will need to read some documentation, watch some videos, and pass a quiz on Canvas. Upon completion, students will be given the following PCB and components to assemble the circuit below. Upon completion, they will have the PCB Lab volunteers assess their work and confirm operation. The deliverable will include a video of the working device and a crisp "Thumbs Up" from the PCB Lab Volunteer to assure that the student successfully completed the task.
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 4 =====
File:ne555.png|[https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/texas-instruments/NE555P/296-1411-5-ND/277057 555 timer]
File:res1k.jpg|[https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/stackpole-electronics-inc/CF14JT1K00/CF14JT1K00CT-ND/1830350 1 K<span title="&amp;Omega;">&Omega;</span> resistor]
This video is similar to Lesson 2, but again, great examples of good vs. bad solder joints with wire.
File:res470k.jpg|[https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/stackpole-electronics-inc/CF14JT470K/CF14JT470KCT-ND/1830415 470 K<span title="&amp;Omega;">&Omega;</span> resistor]
File:cap1uF.jpg|[https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/UVP1H010MDD1TD/493-12697-1-ND/4328314?utm_campaign=buynow&WT.z_cid=ref_octopart_dkc_buynow&utm_medium=aggregator&curr=usd&site=us&utm_source=octopart 1 <span title="&amp;mu;">&mu;</span>F capacitor]
File:red_led.jpg|[https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/lite-on-inc/LTL-4223/160-1127-ND/200395 red LED]
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 5 =====
File:battcon.jpg|[https://www.xump.com/science/9V-Battery-Snap-Connector-Leads.cfm?SID=12&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI04mUoZaF2QIVAm5-Ch0pDgDrEAQYAiABEgKI1_D_BwE 9V Battery connector]
File:Blinking LED Circuit.gif|Completed PCB
Very short video. Just a different type of wire joint.
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 6 =====
Good explanation of a "semi-clenched" method for soldering an axial-lead component. This technique allows the component to be held in place for soldering without any extra tape or glue (or a potentially burnt finger).
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 7 =====
Applying the "clenching" idea to an IC. Typically, we will not use this technique, but will instead hold the part and "tack" these same leads with solder - just to hold it. The rest of the video has great examples of IC's being soldered.
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 8-9 =====
We don't normally see too many of these any more, but again, nice examples of good joints that are similar to components we still use.
Rather than flatpack or planar components, we generally use "surface-mount" now. But, the soldering part is still useful to watch. The techniques are similar. Our PCB's will generally come "pre-tined" and the component leads are already bent, but the rest of the soldering is the same.
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTv3gK9tAKA&index=8&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 8] - "Integrated Circuits" (1:16)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq5ngauITsw&index=9&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 9] - "Integrated Circuits: The Flatpack & Other Planar-mounted Components" (6:20)
===== Basic Soldering Lesson 9 =====
Rather than flatpack or planar components, we generally use "surface-mount" now. But, the soldering part is still useful to watch. The techniques are similar. Our PCB's will generally come "pre-tinned" and the component leads are already bent, but the rest of the soldering is the same.
==== Howcast How to Solder ====
This set of [https://www.howcast.com/guides/930-how-to-solder videos] from Howcast is worth watching, but we will only highlight a couple of them here that talk about removing solder.
===== How to Remove Solder =====
===== How to Remove Through-Hole Components =====
==== Beauty and the Bolt ====
Not as technical, but there are some good tips for soldering different things here, as well as desoldering things. There are also a couple of items that should be addressed.
* When soldering the vector board, she does not use flux. This works as the surfaces are clean and there is flux in the rosin-core solder she is using. However, using flux is always recommended.
* She shows how to solder solid-core wire together and then she uses [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat-shrink_tubing heatshrink tubing]] to cover the joint. Heatshrink is a wonderful thing, and the way that she used it was correct. However, the method she used only works well if the wire is not connected to other things. Often, the wires are connected on either end, and the splice is being performed to complete a connection. If one waits until after soldering before adding the heatshrink, it ... uh ... no worky. The heatshrink should be put on first, run down the wire out of the way, and then the wire can be twisted and soldered. After it cools, slide the heatshrink up and use the heat gun to shrink it.  
==== Maker Hub Video ====
====General Procedure====
This video contains specific information for soldering in the Maker Hub as well as a basic overview of what will be expected in your live demonstration.
# First things first, you need to learn how to use the soldering irons! Soldering is not difficult, but understanding some basic concepts will go a long way toward a successful experience. As part of your training, you will need to read some documentation and watch some videos.
# After scouring the web for examples of soldering training, we really liked the lessons captured in the [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837 PACE] series, despite the fact that they were filmed in the 80's. These videos are well produced (for something possibly older than your parents) and have a lot of good information. The quizzable information is in the very first, fifth, and sixth videos, but the other videos have great examples of good and bad soldering joints. Another more modern video from [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwU9SqO0udU Beauty and the Bolt] is also insightful. This video is a little more modern, and a good resource, but not as technically interesting. It talks a bit about desoldering as well as soldering wires together and how to use heat shrink and electrical tape. A more modern series is available from [https://www.howcast.com/guides/930-how-to-solder Howcast]. It wouldn't hurt at all to watch this series, but we will just focus on a couple for the quiz. Finally, there is an official training video from the [[Maker Hub]] that is tailored to our specific space and equipment. This video will give you the information you need to perform the live solder demonstration required for your soldering certification.
# This nostalgic set of [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837 videos] from PACE are quite old, but surprisingly still quite relevant. The style makes you think that you will be getting ready to watch an old Disney cartoon - you aren't. Don't get disappointed.
# '''Basic Soldering Lesson 1:''' This is by far the longest of the videos at (20:44), but also packed with the most pertinent information. It provides great background on solder, flux, wetting, and then mechanics of the iron and the joint. We do not have the student handbook that is mentioned. We suspect that you can manage without that. Here are some key ideas that you should watch for:
## What is solder? What temperatures do the different solders melt at?
## What is flux?
## What is wetting?
## What are the different aspects of a soldering iron?{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIT4ra6Mo0s}}
# '''Basic Soldering Lesson 2-5:''' These videos are worth watching, but they are not essential for this training.
## [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrhg5A1a1mU&index=2&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 2] - "Soldering To PCB Terminals" (6:50)
## [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GLeCt_u3U8&index=3&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 3] - "Cup Terminals" (4:19)
## [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvTiql-ED4A&index=4&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 4] - "Bifurcated Terminals" (2:45)
## [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN3V8hMiUb4&index=5&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 5] - "Hook and Pierced Terminals" (1:19)
# '''Basic Soldering Lesson 6:''' Good explanation of a "semi-clenched" method for soldering an axial-lead component. This technique allows the component to be held in place for soldering without any extra tape or glue (or a potentially burnt finger).{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY5M-lGxvzo}}
# '''Basic Soldering Lesson 7:''' Applying the "clenching" idea to an IC. Typically, we will not use this technique, but will instead hold the part and "tack" these same leads with solder - just to hold it. The rest of the video has great examples of IC's being soldered.{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgcPxdnjwt4}}
# '''Basic Soldering Lesson 8-9:''' We don't normally see too many of these any more, but again, nice examples of good joints that are similar to components we still use. Rather than flatpack or planar components, we generally use "surface-mount" now. But, the soldering part is still useful to watch. The techniques are similar. Our PCB's will generally come "pre-tined" and the component leads are already bent, but the rest of the soldering is the same.
## [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTv3gK9tAKA&index=8&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 8] - "Integrated Circuits" (1:16)
## [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq5ngauITsw&index=9&list=PL926EC0F1F93C1837&t=0s Basic Soldering Lesson 9] - "Integrated Circuits: The Flatpack & Other Planar-mounted Components" (6:20)
# '''Howcast How to Solder:''' This set of [https://www.howcast.com/guides/930-how-to-solder videos] from Howcast is worth watching, but we will only highlight a couple of them here that talk about removing solder.
# '''How to Remove Solder'''{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lnRf2biz50}}
# '''How to Remove Through-Hole Components'''{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjQf0ajBYmM}}
# '''Maker Hub Video:''' This video contains specific information for soldering in the Maker Hub as well as a basic overview of what will be expected in your live demonstration.{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v98_f7JFdo}}
# Acquire a soldering station. For this procedure, this particular station will be referenced, the Weller WES51.[[File:...solderingiron.png|none|thumb|300x300px]]
# You can power it on using the switch on the left and control the temperature in °F using the temperature knob on the right. 650-750 °F is a good temperature range to keep it at. When the light is solid green, the iron is not heated up yet. When it is heated to the temperature you set on the temperature knob, it will start blinking green.
# Before you begin using the soldering iron, wet the sponge! Take it to a sink and drench that boi. This is used to clean the soldering iron continually during use. If you don't make it wet, it will burn up the sponge and smell/look gross, and it won't clean the soldering iron.
# Now you're ready to use the soldering iron! Refer to the videos in times of doubt.
# Don't forget to complete that video checking off your board!
# Always wear safety glasses when you are cutting wires or anything else at the electronics workstation. If other people are nearby, ask them to wear safety glasses or step away briefly.
# Angle your wire cuts down into the table or cover them with your free hand to block the projectile.
# Soldering irons can get up to 1000 °F. Do not touch the tip of the soldering iron; it is extremely hot. If you get burned, run cold water over the burned area for several minutes to reduce inflammation and the potential for blistering.
# Wires and components can also become extremely hot from soldering. Use the available helping hands, and allow the wires/components to cool before touching.
# Always return the soldering iron to its stand when not in use. Never lay it directly on the workbench.
# Ensure you have adequate ventilation when soldering. Use the available fume extractors.
# Turn off the soldering iron when it is not in use.
# If you start an electrical fire, use a fire extinguisher to put it out. NEVER use water to put out an electrical fire.
# Keep liquids away from the electronics workstation.
=== Certification ===
==== FoxTale Course ====
For the soldering irons in <strong>The Hub</strong>, complete <strong>The Hub - {{PAGENAME}} Module</strong> at the link below to gain access to the {{PAGENAME}}.
To obtain certification for using the soldering irons in the Maker Hub, you will need to complete the [https://foxtale.georgefox.edu FoxTale] course [https://foxtale.georgefox.edu/moodle/course/view.php?id=23483 Maker Hub - Soldering Iron]. This course contains a quiz with questions from the videos. When the quiz has been completed, you can sign up to perform the soldering demonstration.
==== Demonstration ====
For the soldering irons in the <strong>PCB Lab</strong>, complete the <strong>PCB Lab - {{PAGENAME}} Module</strong> at the link below to gain access to the {{PAGENAME}}.
For the live demonstration you will receive a small PCB and a few components and will be required to solder the components to the circuit board. The circuit kit contains a 555 timer IC, 3 resistors, a capacitor, and LED, and a 9V battery connector. When completed, the system will slowly blink the LED. The schematic of the circuit is shown below. To find pin 1 of an IC, reference the [https://www.evilmadscientist.com/2010/basics-finding-pin-1 internet].
==== Components ====
The Maker Hub Canvas course pertains to all facilities and equipment contained in the Maker Hub; simply complete the quizzes for the facilities/equipment you wish to use in the Maker Hub. Please email <span style="color:blue">makerhub@georgefox.edu</span> if you have any questions.
[https://georgefox.instructure.com/enroll/GH36RT Maker Hub Canvas Course]
File:ne555.png|555 timer
File:res1k.png|1 Kohm resistor
File:res470k.png|470 Kohm resistor
[[File:blinkypcb.jpg|left|100px|555 timer IC]].
There are two things in particular that could keep you from successfully soldering: an untinned tip and a loose tip. If the tip is not shiny silver, then place a little solder on the tip and wipe it on the sponge. Some soldering irons allow there tips to be replaced for the sake of having different shapes. If the iron is not heating up and you are using this type of iron, it is possible that the tip is not inserted into the iron fully. To fix this, grab some pliers (so you don't burn your hands), grip the shaft and push it in fully. After you have finished soldering, you might check the electrical continuity of your solder joint with a [[Electronics Workstation | DVM]].
[[File:soldering_course_circuit.jpg|left|500px|Blinking LED schematic]].
====General maintenance====
The maintenance for the soldering iron generally consists of keeping the soldering station cleaned, stocked, and the iron tinned.
[[Category:Soldering Irons]]
====Specific Maintenance Tasks====
[[Category:The Hub]]
{| class="wikitable"
[[Category:PCB Lab]]
!Maintenance Procedure
!Done By
|General Cleaning
|After each use
|Tin Soldering Iron
|As needed
|Stock solder, solder wick, sponge
|As needed

Latest revision as of 10:11, 17 January 2025

Soldering Iron
Soldering a component

Make: Weller

Model: WES51

Ace: Evan Hatch (ehatch21@georgefox.edu).

Location: PCB Lab, The Hub


Soldering is a process in which two or more items (usually metal) are joined together by melting and putting a filler metal (solder) into the joint, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal. Soldering differs from welding in that soldering does not involve melting the work pieces. In brazing, the filler metal melts at a higher temperature, but the work piece metal does not melt. In the past, nearly all solders contained lead, but environmental and health concerns have increasingly dictated use of lead-free solder for electronics and plumbing purposes.

Here is an example of this piece of equipment being used.

Insert video media here.



Soldering Iron User Manual



The Soldering Iron is an amazing tool that allows us to construct circuits with sturdy connections between components. The detailed steps to do this can be found in videos on the Description section.


Before using a Soldering Station, students will need to read some documentation, watch some videos, and pass a quiz on Canvas. Upon completion, students will be given the following PCB and components to assemble the circuit below. Upon completion, they will have the PCB Lab volunteers assess their work and confirm operation. The deliverable will include a video of the working device and a crisp "Thumbs Up" from the PCB Lab Volunteer to assure that the student successfully completed the task.

Soldering course circuit.jpg

General Procedure

  1. First things first, you need to learn how to use the soldering irons! Soldering is not difficult, but understanding some basic concepts will go a long way toward a successful experience. As part of your training, you will need to read some documentation and watch some videos.
  2. After scouring the web for examples of soldering training, we really liked the lessons captured in the PACE series, despite the fact that they were filmed in the 80's. These videos are well produced (for something possibly older than your parents) and have a lot of good information. The quizzable information is in the very first, fifth, and sixth videos, but the other videos have great examples of good and bad soldering joints. Another more modern video from Beauty and the Bolt is also insightful. This video is a little more modern, and a good resource, but not as technically interesting. It talks a bit about desoldering as well as soldering wires together and how to use heat shrink and electrical tape. A more modern series is available from Howcast. It wouldn't hurt at all to watch this series, but we will just focus on a couple for the quiz. Finally, there is an official training video from the Maker Hub that is tailored to our specific space and equipment. This video will give you the information you need to perform the live solder demonstration required for your soldering certification.
  3. This nostalgic set of videos from PACE are quite old, but surprisingly still quite relevant. The style makes you think that you will be getting ready to watch an old Disney cartoon - you aren't. Don't get disappointed.
  4. Basic Soldering Lesson 1: This is by far the longest of the videos at (20:44), but also packed with the most pertinent information. It provides great background on solder, flux, wetting, and then mechanics of the iron and the joint. We do not have the student handbook that is mentioned. We suspect that you can manage without that. Here are some key ideas that you should watch for:
    1. What is solder? What temperatures do the different solders melt at?
    2. What is flux?
    3. What is wetting?
    4. What are the different aspects of a soldering iron?
  5. Basic Soldering Lesson 2-5: These videos are worth watching, but they are not essential for this training.
    1. Basic Soldering Lesson 2 - "Soldering To PCB Terminals" (6:50)
    2. Basic Soldering Lesson 3 - "Cup Terminals" (4:19)
    3. Basic Soldering Lesson 4 - "Bifurcated Terminals" (2:45)
    4. Basic Soldering Lesson 5 - "Hook and Pierced Terminals" (1:19)
  6. Basic Soldering Lesson 6: Good explanation of a "semi-clenched" method for soldering an axial-lead component. This technique allows the component to be held in place for soldering without any extra tape or glue (or a potentially burnt finger).
  7. Basic Soldering Lesson 7: Applying the "clenching" idea to an IC. Typically, we will not use this technique, but will instead hold the part and "tack" these same leads with solder - just to hold it. The rest of the video has great examples of IC's being soldered.
  8. Basic Soldering Lesson 8-9: We don't normally see too many of these any more, but again, nice examples of good joints that are similar to components we still use. Rather than flatpack or planar components, we generally use "surface-mount" now. But, the soldering part is still useful to watch. The techniques are similar. Our PCB's will generally come "pre-tined" and the component leads are already bent, but the rest of the soldering is the same.
    1. Basic Soldering Lesson 8 - "Integrated Circuits" (1:16)
    2. Basic Soldering Lesson 9 - "Integrated Circuits: The Flatpack & Other Planar-mounted Components" (6:20)
  9. Howcast How to Solder: This set of videos from Howcast is worth watching, but we will only highlight a couple of them here that talk about removing solder.
  10. How to Remove Solder
  11. How to Remove Through-Hole Components
  12. Maker Hub Video: This video contains specific information for soldering in the Maker Hub as well as a basic overview of what will be expected in your live demonstration.
  13. Acquire a soldering station. For this procedure, this particular station will be referenced, the Weller WES51.
  14. You can power it on using the switch on the left and control the temperature in °F using the temperature knob on the right. 650-750 °F is a good temperature range to keep it at. When the light is solid green, the iron is not heated up yet. When it is heated to the temperature you set on the temperature knob, it will start blinking green.
  15. Before you begin using the soldering iron, wet the sponge! Take it to a sink and drench that boi. This is used to clean the soldering iron continually during use. If you don't make it wet, it will burn up the sponge and smell/look gross, and it won't clean the soldering iron.
  16. Now you're ready to use the soldering iron! Refer to the videos in times of doubt.
  17. Don't forget to complete that video checking off your board!


  1. Always wear safety glasses when you are cutting wires or anything else at the electronics workstation. If other people are nearby, ask them to wear safety glasses or step away briefly.
  2. Angle your wire cuts down into the table or cover them with your free hand to block the projectile.
  3. Soldering irons can get up to 1000 °F. Do not touch the tip of the soldering iron; it is extremely hot. If you get burned, run cold water over the burned area for several minutes to reduce inflammation and the potential for blistering.
  4. Wires and components can also become extremely hot from soldering. Use the available helping hands, and allow the wires/components to cool before touching.
  5. Always return the soldering iron to its stand when not in use. Never lay it directly on the workbench.
  6. Ensure you have adequate ventilation when soldering. Use the available fume extractors.
  7. Turn off the soldering iron when it is not in use.
  8. If you start an electrical fire, use a fire extinguisher to put it out. NEVER use water to put out an electrical fire.
  9. Keep liquids away from the electronics workstation.


For the soldering irons in The Hub, complete The Hub - Soldering Irons Module at the link below to gain access to the Soldering Irons.

For the soldering irons in the PCB Lab, complete the PCB Lab - Soldering Irons Module at the link below to gain access to the Soldering Irons.

The Maker Hub Canvas course pertains to all facilities and equipment contained in the Maker Hub; simply complete the quizzes for the facilities/equipment you wish to use in the Maker Hub. Please email makerhub@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.

Maker Hub Canvas Course


There are two things in particular that could keep you from successfully soldering: an untinned tip and a loose tip. If the tip is not shiny silver, then place a little solder on the tip and wipe it on the sponge. Some soldering irons allow there tips to be replaced for the sake of having different shapes. If the iron is not heating up and you are using this type of iron, it is possible that the tip is not inserted into the iron fully. To fix this, grab some pliers (so you don't burn your hands), grip the shaft and push it in fully. After you have finished soldering, you might check the electrical continuity of your solder joint with a DVM.


General maintenance

The maintenance for the soldering iron generally consists of keeping the soldering station cleaned, stocked, and the iron tinned.

Specific Maintenance Tasks

Maintenance Procedure Frequency Done By
General Cleaning After each use Student
Tin Soldering Iron As needed Student
Stock solder, solder wick, sponge As needed Ace