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==How We Operate==
==How We Operate==
The Maker Hub is the GFU College of Engineering space for engineering and design. It is located in Klages, and it consists of several design areas including work spaces, meeting rooms, technical shops, and a large, central, toolroom. The space was designed to serve the needs of the engineering program, including senior design, servant engineering, engineering principles, and other engineering courses and projects. The potential exists to service a broader set of projects for other majors at the university. As this access grows, it will be imperative that those who utilize it understand the community requirements necessary to make such a space an effective place of work.
To enable you to both access and maintain this space, you are being asked (OK, required) to take a short course on the Maker Hub. As part of this course you will become acquainted with the function of these various rooms, the equipment and tools available in them, and expectations for proper usage of the facilities. The goal of this course is twofold: first, to introduce you to the capabilities available to you in the space, and second, to help you understand the expectations upon you when using the space. Both are crucial if you want to be an active participant in the space.
This “course” is a very early pilot. It will change before next year and you very well might need to take a similar course next year (but hey, it’s easier than Calculus). This course (and the space) are in development - so please don’t notify us about every discrepancy. We are trying to get some inertia going on this. We are expecting other sources of funding and the addition of a number of tools and machines in the space. Work has begun on training modules (to wit) and there will be many more coming over the coming year. The goal is that training and supervision will be readily available on most all of the machines and a whole slew of processes might be a little more standardized. But, it seemed best to get things going in a positive direction. We want to develop a culture here that will make the Maker Hub a success.
To that end, let's begin.
The Maker Hub
The Maker Hub consists of various rooms (A picture would be nice here. So would extraordinary wealth … in time). These rooms include:
The Hub ()
The main maker area
Computer Lab
Meeting Rooms
Prototype Lab
Machine Shop
Wood Shop
Welding Shop
Finishing Room
The Vault
We will go over these rooms individually, but let’s begin by understanding some general things about the space.
In any public space, there has to be some set of rules that govern the activity in the space. Ideally, we would just use the clever “Rule 0: Don’t make me make a rule.” But, we felt it was better to come up with some overall guiding principles rather than a list of rules. Clearly, there are some obvious “rules” that get implied from these principles, but, we believe that if you embrace the principles, the rules will take care of themselves. These principles we like to call, the three commandments.
(See what we did there? - Christian school - reference to the commandments? Get it?)
The three commandments are the following:
Safety First
Reset the Space
Be Professional.
These icons that represent these commandments  will be visible at various points in the Maker Hub as well as Maker Hub documents and training materials. Get used to them. We resisted the urge to place them inside of  something like this :)
What do the commandments mean?
Safety First - This should be the most obvious, and critical of the commandments. The Maker Hub has a large number of equipment and tools that can be quite dangerous. It is imperative that in everything you do, you address safety first. This starts with general behavior (don’t run with scissors - in fact, don’t run at all - unless there is a fire - and you can see now why we are going with principles rather than specific rules). But beyond general behavior, various rooms and machines have very specific safety procedures and violations of these procedures will come with swift and potentially severe penalties.
Safety first includes not only your safety and the safety of others, but the safety of the equipment as well. It is a huge privilege to have access to this set of equipment  and we need to ensure that the equipment is being properly used and maintained. There is no reason in this space to use a screwdriver as a hammer. We have hammers. Use tools for their intended purposes, not just for your safety, but for the safety of the tool.
To aid in making sure that you are aware of proper safety usage, you will need to be trained on how to use the equipment. Equipment is marked with unique, representative icons, such as the one below.
Equipment that has an icon posted over it, by definition, requires specialized training. Without completing this training, you are not authorized to utilize the equipment! The training will be offered via a FoxTale course for each piece of equipment. If the system is relatively simple, the course might just be basic reading with a simple quiz (like this one). More complex tools might involve demonstration videos along with a live demonstration of your ability to properly use the machines. These will result in “badges” in FoxTale that certify you to use the machines. Think of these certifications as a “license to learn.” They allow you to utilize the equipment, but you should still feel free to ask for help, at any point, from a shop mentor or technician.
Never forget … SAFETY FIRST!
Reset the Space - This commandment is simple enough to understand, but sometimes difficult for … let’s just say it … people  … to implement. The idea is very simple. Put things back. Leave the space better than you found it. This is not hard. There is a place for everything and everything has a place. There are marks on the floor in the Hub for the tables. There will be more marks and labels going up on all sorts of things. These are just there to help remind you. This rule applies to EVERYTHING in the space. If you move a chair, put it back. If you move a table, put it back. If you use a tool, put it back. If you use a rolling computer - put it back That means you don’t take things from one room and leave them in another. You see, that would not be “putting it back.” You see where I am going with this? If you use a machine in the shop, put the tools away. Use the vacuum to clean up. Make the space look better than you found it. If you want a marker for a whiteboard in the space, go request one from the toolroom. They are free for usage in the space. Do not take them from other rooms. Do not take erasers from other rooms. If you use a whiteboard, erase it. I could go on. Sort of want to. But I will contain myself.  Ok … a few more …
We have allowed food and drink in the space. Resetting the Space means that you don’t leave wrappers, or trays, or anything that wasn’t there when you came in.
If you are in a class in some area of the space, take your papers with you.
If you are employed in the space, this still applies to you. Do not take tools from the Hub and then store them in whatever area you happen to be working. If we need more tools in your area, speak with the technician and we can evaluate the situation and, if necessary, we will get more tools.
Now, we understand that sometimes you need to leave things out. Maybe you are in the middle of a large test and you need something to run overnight. In cases like this, it is OK, but you NEED to leave a note on your system so that others know the situation. This is just common courtesy.
There will be more detail on this in each area, but for now, you should understand the idea. Whatever you do, RESET THE SPACE!
Be Professional - This commandment has two sides to it. It covers the idea of acting like a professional (which Webster’s defines as “exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace”). The term also describes the standards of education and training that prepare members of the profession with the particular knowledge and skills necessary to perform their specific role within that profession. Hopefully, you are learning both of these as part of your education at George Fox University. In the Maker Hub we expect you to develop as a courteous, conscientious, and skilled craftsman,  understanding the tools and equipment in the Maker Hub and how to use them effectively.
Being a professional has some obvious ramifications in terms of behavior. First, be Christlike. Think of others better than yourselves. Share. If you are using a meeting room to do individual work, and a team needs a meeting room, then you should yield the room. Function is more important than who got there first. This is being a professional.
If you are working with a tool or piece of equipment, and you don’t know the proper way to do what you are attempting - ASK SOMEONE! Learn! Become a professional. Learn the craft. This is an educational space. You might think it will be quick and you can just get it done “your” way and not learn how to do it correctly. Be a Professional and learn the proper way, and then be available to teach others.
One very important, and likely difficult part of being a professional is to correct others when they are not being professional. It is your responsibility to speak up when you see somebody doing something inappropriate. If you see somebody doing something unsafe, not resetting the space, or being unprofessional, the professional thing to do is to remind them of the three commandments and ask them politely to correct their action. This is OUR space, not any individuals. As a group, we expect everyone in the space to keep the space safe, clean, and operable for everyone. BE PROFESSIONAL!
These are the three commandments - and they form the rule and order for the Maker Hub. There are similarities  to the rule and order in Christianity. As G.K. Chesterton said in his classic book “Orthodoxy,”
the more I considered Christianity, the more I found that while it had established a rule and order, the chief aim of that order was to give room for good things to run wild.
It is our hope and expectation that you and other students will be able to run wild and create many wonderful things in this space. These “commandments” are intended to provide that space - and the expectation is that everyone will abide by them. But, as we know, not everyone chooses to do so (1 Tim 1:9-10). We have seen various ways that different schools address these violations, and most use expulsion from the space as the primary penalty. Some schools use a point system where violations are assigned points and the accumulation of a certain number of points results in expulsion (much like points on a driver’s license). Our system is still under development, but some system will be coming and you should be aware that it is on its way. Some violations (not putting a chair back after moving it) might be comparatively minor, while others are extremely severe. An example of an extremely severe violation would be unauthorized use of machines in the machine or wood shop, or even authorized use of a machine without anyone else present. These violations would most likely result in immediate and extended to permanent expulsion from the shops or Maker Hub.
Ok, moving onward. Let us touch on a few more issues that you all need to be aware of. The space will be access controlled. You might have noticed that the doors are closed and we are asking you to keep them that way. This means that if you see somebody coming in behind you and you don’t have a reasonable assurance that they have access to the space, simply ask them to use their own card to get in. This will seem difficult at first, but we need to develop a culture of protecting the space. You are certainly welcome to bring friends into certain parts of the space, but you will be held responsible for their behavior. Everyone in the space should understand the three commandments and will be expected to adhere to these principles.
In order to help protect the space and enforce violations, you might have noticed that cameras are up (and are still going up) in various parts of the space. Which is to say, the public area is under constant surveillance and everything is being recorded. This means that, if necessary, the video can be reviewed to help identify what occurred. We will also be adding door alarms to detect any doors propped open.
So, that’s a rundown of the three commandments and some general operational aspects of the Maker Hub. Let’s look at specific rooms.
Computer Lab
The computer lab consists of 29 computers (designed as 28 for students and 1 for instructors). Each of these stations consists of the computer, the keyboard, the mouse, and a chair with arms. These are a unit. Which should make it clear that you should never take a keyboard, a mouse, or a chair from this space. There are no chairs with arms in the Maker Hub or meeting rooms. So, leave the arm chairs in the computer lab. The keyboards and mice are intended for these computers. If you need a keyboard or a computer for your machine, or if one is broken somewhere, inform the toolroom. If there is a dire situation where you need to make use of one of these systems, as always, RESET THE SPACE. It is not acceptable for your peers to arrive in a class the following morning with computers that are missing mice or chairs.
There are large whiteboards in the computer lab that are very useful for … er … marking on. And here are some good rules for whiteboards - again - RESET THE SPACE. This means that you don’t take markers or erasers from other whiteboards because the ones at your space are missing or not functional. Go to the toolroom and get new ones. They are freely supplied. If the toolroom is closed, maybe you can use your own makers. Whatever you do, RESET THE SPACE. And when you have finished using a whiteboard .. ERASE IT. This is not only resetting the space, but being a professional. Others will want to use it and you are making them clean up your mess. As a side note, this is a public space. If you want to save your whiteboard writing, take a picture. Writing “Do Not Erase” is not an acceptable action for a whiteboard. You can save it yourself and reproduce it quickly later. Again, BE PROFESSIONAL
While cleaning up after yourself is a general rule, it is particularly important in the computer lab as folks are very likely to spend a considerable amount of time in there. This means you need to be sure to clean up any papers, food, and drink. If you are in a class or lab and receive a handout, it is your job to study it like your wonderful professor intended. But if you are not going to do that, it is your responsibility to throw it away. Leave the space better than you found it.
There is a set of 72 small lockers in this room. Their main function is to hold materials for classes and labs for students in those classes and labs. If they are not all in use (and they generally aren’t), they can also be used to house small projects. They are not to be used as personal lockers for non Maker Hub related items. Now clearly, If you are using a locker for Maker Hub reasons, then it is certainly fine to place a textbook or engagement ring in there (preferably in the spring). But don’t secure a locker if you are not actively working on a project or participating in a class/lab. To use the lockers, you will need your own lock. At the end of each semester, the lockers should be cleared out and the locks removed. If there are still locks on them, this will give us a chance to use the bolt cutters and sell the contents on the web. That is always a good time. If you need to maintain a locker over the break, you will need to coordinate with the technician.  Please do not set things on top of the lockers. These items will be routinely disposed of without warning. Clearly, setting something on top would not be resetting the space, and hopefully you are discovering that this is an important commandment.
Meeting Rooms
There are 8 meeting rooms in the Maker Hub. The intended function  of these rooms is to house meetings. That is, these are not study rooms, but meeting rooms. Which means, priority will be given to weekly meetings with senior design and servant engineering teams and for other team meetings for other classes or projects. When not requested for a team meeting, these rooms can be used by individuals for studying, or by groups for hanging out. If you are acting like a professional, then you will cede the room to others who have a designed use for the room. That is, if you are watching a video by yourself, or studying by yourself or in a group, and the other rooms are full, and a team needs to meet, it would be very professional to offer them the room and then study elsewhere. Likewise, if a team would like to use a room at an unscheduled time, it would be professional to look for an empty room first, and then a room that has the least effect on others who might be using the room for group study or other activities.
Each of these rooms is equipped with a wall-mounted monitor and HDMI connection. There is a whiteboard in each room as well. As with other whiteboards, please do not take the erasers or markers, and always erase when you have finished using the whiteboard.  If there are no markers or erasers, please obtain them from the toolroom. When you leave the room, turn off the TV, and make sure that the HDMI cable is accessible.
Each of these rooms should have a table (haven’t seen anyone take those yet) and seven chairs without arms. There are seven as many senior design teams have two faculty mentors and five students. There should not be any stools in these rooms. By stools, we mean the higher chairs that are out in the Hub. Stools should stay at the tables in the Hub. If you need more chairs, or for some reason want less chairs, they are movable. Just remember that you should always RESET THE SPACE.
We have added  some coat hangers on the wall behind the door. These are only for coats, they will not be strong enough to hold backpacks.
When you leave a meeting room, there should be a TV on the wall and an HDMI cable. There should be 1 table, 7 chairs, 0 stools, 0 rolling computers, and a clean whiteboard with an eraser and markers.
Enjoy the meeting rooms - just remember the three commandments.
The Hub
The Hub is the central room of the Maker Hub. It has multiple open tables for work, 8 computers on wheels, some smaller blue rolling tables and some semi-permanent stations. Let’s take a little time to go over these elements .
First, there are approximately 8 open workbenches that are open for general use. Each of these has a permanent home that is marked on the floor (picture here). Each of these tables should be surrounded by (4)?? Stools. Each of these tables is also equipped with power outlets on each leg. These are connected with cables and cable tied - do not cut these cable ties (why has someone been doing this??? why???). There is one power plug for each table that can be plugged into the power outlet that comes down from the ceiling. These power outlets have been positioned so that that they hang directly down by the table. These tables are on wheels and can be moved. However, when you have finished with the table, please reset the space. Ensure that the table is placed back inside of the special marks on the floor, plug in the table, and make sure that the four stools are back around the table. When you RESET THE SPACE, it makes it nice for those following behind you. And we want to be nice … don’t we? Yes is the answer to that question. If you need to leave your project out on a table, you must mark it as in use, with your Name, Team/Project, initial date, and reason for leaving it out (maybe we should make some forms and put them on the wall somewhere). There needs to be a decent reason for this, and it shouldn’t stay out for more than three days. If there are special circumstances, please speak with your project advisor and/or the technician.
There are smaller blue tables that will also have spots marked on the floor for their permanent homes. These tables reside on the wall nearest the quad. These tables can be used as transport tables for your projects. There are some limited storage locations in the Hub, and you can use these tables to transport your projects from these locations to wherever you might need in the Hub. When you are finished using these tables, please clear them off and put them back. If, for some special reason, you need the table to be in use for a short time (less than three days), mark the table as in use. This is useful if you want to run overnight tests or you are in the middle of an assembly. However, this is for short term use. Remember, BE PROFESSIONAL. Release the materials for others.
There are eight rolling computers that also have permanent homes at marked spaces around the HUB. They are all the same as the Computer Lab machines with the exception of number 8. This machine also has the Adobe Creative Cloud software and ComicLife. Each of these 8 machines have UPS power supplies that allow you to unplug the machine and move it around the Maker Hub without powering it down. You allegedly have about 15 minutes of power available from these UPS supplies (if anyone actually times it, let us know). Feel free to use these computers wherever you want to use them … they often make their way into meeting rooms. However, when you have finished, as always RESET THE SPACE! The computers, when not in use, should always be sitting, plugged in, at their permanent locations. This is especially important if you take them into a lab or the senior design studio, or one of the other Maker Hub shops. When you have finished sitting at the machine, return it. Do not leave it in a different space. If your senior design team or lab or shop needs an extra computer, speak with your project advisor or the technician and we can address the situation. BE PROFESSIONAL!
On the wall are a set of tools. These are available for use within the Maker Hub. As should be obvious, when you are done using the tools, return them - RESET THE SPACE. For example, if you … er … use a tool … put it back when you are done. Not much of an example. Sort of hard to make this any more clear. Let’s say it is a wrench - and you use it. When you are done - put it back. Get it? We should have some pictures or other markers on the tools/walls to make this easier - but that will come in time … for now .. .RESET THE SPACE.
If you are a senior and you need tools for your project and don’t want to return them, check them out from the toolroom. If we don’t have them, speak with your advisor and we can see about getting them. In the meantime, put them back. If you are an employee and need equipment.and/or tools in your place of employment, do not abscond with the tools on the wall. You may certainly use them, but you must put them back. If you want tools permanently in your shop, ask the technician and the problem can be remedied.
There is A/V equipment in the corner of the space. Best to just leave it alone. It is used for assemblies by trained professionals. You shouldn’t try this. And it is pretty boring.
There are storage shelves in the senior design corridor across from the Environmental lab. If you want to store your project there, this is fine. Just label your shelf. Feel free to use the blue carts to move it into the Maker Hub for work. We will be working more on the storage options.
Within the Hub, there are some semi-permanent workstations:
Sewing Station
The sewing station has not yet been installed, but we have equipment available. Ultimately, it will be installed on the edge of the prototype lab on the side with the orange meeting rooms.  The sewing station will have icons hanging above it at some point, use of the sewing equipment will require specialized training on the equipment.
Vinyl Cutting Station
The vinyl cutting station will sit in front of the windows of the prototype lab. Use of this station will require specialized training. This will allow signage to be created (which you will see popping up around the space). In addition to the vinyl cutter, there is a large roll of butcher paper available. This does not require special training. You pull it and tear it off. If you cannot operate this piece of equipment, please leave the space and change your major.
Electronics Stations
There are two electronics stations currently installed in the Hub. These workbenches each contain a soldering station with soldering mat, oscilloscope, multimeter, power supply, and signal generator.
There is an end cabinet that will be used to hold the various electronic cables and wires required for working with the equipment. These cables and wires will “soon” (Rev. 21:12) be appearing.
When using the electronics station, it is, as always, imperative that you RESET THE SPACE. Clean up all solder paste, stripped wires, etc., and put everything back where you found it, putting the cables back where they go.
There is a soldering icon above this station. This means that, before using the soldering equipment, you MUST take the soldering course (or, for those grandfathered, have completed ENGR152).
Low-Fidelity Prototyping Station
The Low-Fidelity Prototyping Station (Crafts) is provided so that students can make quick project mock-ups. Please BE PROFESSIONAL  when using this station. While it might be tempting to make pipe-cleaner men as you did in elementary school, this material is provided for free to be utilized for projects, not entertainment. We will simply not be able to provide these materials if they are continually wasted.
This station also includes a laminating machine. Be careful, it can get hot (as it says in letters that are oddly small for the 21st century).
As with the Electronics Station, there is an end cabinet that holds more papers and materials as well as scrap cardboard. If there is room, feel free to add scrap cardboard (from shipped boxes, etc.) to keep this supply stocked.
For the other materials, if they are low or empty, please notify the toolroom so that supplies can be restocked. As always, when finished, RESET THE SPACE. Clean up the table and make sure that the bins are orderly.
Each of the shops/labs below has controlled access. To acquire access to these labs, there will be a training course for each room in addition to the specific machine training courses. Those courses will cover the more specific application of the three commandments as well as the specific capabilities in each room.
Prototype Lab
The prototype lab contains a group of 3D printers and a laser cutter (more to come in the near future)!
The Printed Circuit Board lab will contain an electronics station (as in the Hub) with the Metcal soldering station and microscope. It will also contain a Voltera V-One PCB Printer (which can print Gerber files onto a board, and can also print solder paste onto normally fabricated boards), a manual pick-and-place machine, and a reflow oven.
The Toolroom is the home of … er .. the tools - as well as equipment and stock that can be checked out. Toolroom hours are posted.
There are a few pieces of special equipment that are stored in the toolroom for various reasons. These include:
X-watt power supply
Portable car battery
Wire Strippers
Various types of crimpers including RJ-45 for ethernet (and cable)
Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope
Machine Shop
With more than x,000 sq. ft., the machine shop contains a drill press, horizontal band saw, vertical band saw, three bridgeport mills, and two lathes for students to utilize. There is also a CNC milling machine that is not normally available for students to operate. However,  parts can be designed for it and submitted for machining. This is a limited and not necessarily time sensitive resource, but, available nonetheless.
Wood Shop
The wood shop is x000 sq. ft. and contains a table saw, planer, jointer, drill press, bandsaw, and other things :).  It also contains a large CNC router table that is not normally available for student operation. However, parts can be designed for it and submitted for routing. This is a limited and not necessarily time sensitive resource, but, available nonetheless.
Finishing Room
The Finishing Room is a well ventilated room that is a great place for dirty work, painting, staining, sanding, using epoxy, etc. 
The Vault
The vault is a room that houses some varied and expensive equipment. In the vault you will find the Photo Booth, 3D Scanners, Jewelry Station, Vacuum Former and other odds and ends.
Welding Shop
The welding shop is x000 sq. ft and contains a welding table, MIG welding system, and a fume boom as well as two portable fume hoods for ventilation.
Senior Design Center
The Senior Design Center is not part of the Maker Hub, but it is co-located. It contains 9 cubicles that house different senior design teams. Each cubicle contains a workbench, computer, whiteboard, two chairs (with arms) and a stool. Five of the 9 cubicles are a little larger and also contain an additional semi-circular table. There is also a tool rack in this room.
This space is only open to individuals on senior design teams. It is important for members of this space to adhere to the three commandments. Specifically, do not take things from the other parts of the Maker Hub and keep them in your area unless they have been checked out from the toolroom. Any mobile computers, equipment, or tools that are borrowed from the Maker Hub must be returned immediately after use (even if you’ll think you need it tomorrow). 
The Maker Hub has a limited number of staff and student employees. It is largely run by student staff and volunteers who help with training and overseeing various technical shops. Our students are encouraged to "own" the space. In any public space, there has to be some set of rules that govern the activity in the space. Ideally, we would just use the clever “Rule 0: Don’t make me make a rule.” But, we felt it was better to come up with some overall guiding principles rather than a list of rules. Clearly, there are some obvious “rules” that get implied from these principles, but, we believe that if you embrace the principles, the rules will take care of themselves. These principles we like to call, the [[3 commandments]]: '''Safety First''', '''Reset the Space''', '''Be Professional'''. Please explore the [[3 commandments]] page for a deeper explanation. Many of these Wiki pages will have their own "3 commandments" section to cover unique details for equipment and tools.  
The Maker Hub has a limited number of staff and student employees. It is largely run by student staff and volunteers who help with training and overseeing various technical shops. Our students are encouraged to "own" the space. In any public space, there has to be some set of rules that govern the activity in the space. Ideally, we would just use the clever “Rule 0: Don’t make me make a rule.” But, we felt it was better to come up with some overall guiding principles rather than a list of rules. Clearly, there are some obvious “rules” that get implied from these principles, but, we believe that if you embrace the principles, the rules will take care of themselves. These principles we like to call, the [[3 commandments]]: '''Safety First''', '''Reset the Space''', '''Be Professional'''. Please explore the [[3 commandments]] page for a deeper explanation. Many of these Wiki pages will have their own "3 commandments" section to cover unique details for equipment and tools.  

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