Horizontal Bandsaw

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Horizontal Bandsaw
Ellis Model 1600 Horizontal Bandsaw

A horizontal band saw is a type of band saw where the piece stays stationary and the cutting head is a band saw arranged horizontally that cuts into the part by gravity assist. Our horizontal bandsaw in the shop is the Ellis Model 1600. It can be used to rough cut metal or plastic (NO WOOD) stock to length. It has a cutting capacity of 10" Round and 10" by 8" rectangle at 90 degrees or 6-7/8" round and 8" by 6" rectangle when rotated to 45 degrees.

The current Ace of this area/machine is Noah Bloomquist.

3 commandments

Stuff about the 3 commandments.


The bandsaw comes with a roller stand to provide stability while cutting long pieces of stock.



Something in here about the FoxTale course that doesn't exist yet. This video contains specific information for using the Horizontal Bandsaw in the Maker Hub as well as a basic overview of what will be expected in your live demonstration.