Blast Cabinet

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Blast Cabinet.png

The 960-DLX DELUXE Skat Blast Cabinet has become one of "America's Favorites". TWO 90 watt floodlights and big 12" x 33" window for improved, brighter visibility when blasting. Plus, Skat Blast's C-35-M Foot-Pedal-Operated Power Gun and pickup tube system for a more powerful, even blast. Quiet Vac-50 HEPA Vacuum with HEPA Filtration collects 99.97% dust particles down to 0.3 microns.

The current Ace of the Blast Cabinet is Needed (


This video shows a good example of using the blast cabinet.

Procedures: Blast stencil pattern on acrylic scrap

  1. Tape existing stencil to acrylic scrap
  2. Open the cabinet door.
  3. Place stencil/acrylic into sandblast cabinet
  4. After placing parts in the cabinet, make sure secure the door with latch properly
  5. Turn on the cabinet light and fan. Switch is located on the top left of the machine
  6. Locate the power switch and turn on the sandblaster
  7. Insert your arms into the gloves and position yourself to have a clear view into the cabinet
  8. Picking up the parts and gun, manually aim where the stencil doesn't cover the acrylic
  9. Position your foot in the foot pedal mechanism. Once pedal is depressed sand will blast out of the gun
  10. When finished, turn the machine off
  11. Before removing parts, wait 5-10 mins for the dust in the cabinet to settle
  12. Once you remove parts make sure to close cabinet door and power off the light and fan


  1. Make sure the cabinet door is closed before stepping on the air activation pedal.
  2. Keep the activation pedal clear when loading the cabinet.
  3. After you are done using the blaster let the dust in the cabinet settle prior to opening the door.
  4. Inhaling the dust produced by the cabinet is bad for your lungs.
  5. Never point the nozzle towards your hand or the window in the cabinet.