Make sure you have a full understanding of what you are attempting to accomplish before attempting a risky situation. Ask a supervisor if you have any questions. Its important to properly set up the press before performing a job. When setting up the press, the table needs to be moved to the proper height to accommodate the work piece. You want to avoid extending the ram farther than needed to prevent material from tipping over. Always make sure you will have enough ram travel to perform the task at hand. The release valve handle will need to be turned fully clockwise to allow the system to build pressure. It is imperative that you keep the work piece from tipping or slipping to the side while applying force. You should use a guide when pressing in a pin to prevent the pin or rod from slipping while installation. Keep an eye on the force gauge to verify your work piece is not sticking or hanging up. When the piece is pressed to its maximum travel pressure will start to build and could cause damage if you keep cycling the handle. Be aware of when you part bottoms out and avoid applying more force at the end of your parts travel than needed. | Make sure you have a full understanding of what you are attempting to accomplish before attempting a risky situation. Ask a supervisor if you have any questions. Its important to properly set up the press before performing a job. When setting up the press, the table needs to be moved to the proper height to accommodate the work piece. You want to avoid extending the ram farther than needed to prevent material from tipping over. Always make sure you will have enough ram travel to perform the task at hand. The release valve handle will need to be turned fully clockwise to allow the system to build pressure. It is imperative that you keep the work piece from tipping or slipping to the side while applying force. You should use a guide when pressing in a pin to prevent the pin or rod from slipping while installation. Keep an eye on the force gauge to verify your work piece is not sticking or hanging up. When the piece is pressed to its maximum travel pressure will start to build and could cause damage if you keep cycling the handle. Be aware of when you part bottoms out and avoid applying more force at the end of your parts travel than needed. |